Kaiser Permanente Case Study Documents the Value of Remote Patient Monitoring

Use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) grew immensely during the COVID-19 pandemic as providers utilized it to monitor less severe patients at home in order to free up hospital beds for more severe patients. Now we have proof, a case study, that use of RPM to treat COVID-19 can help patients avoid hospitalization and recover quickly.

Here’s a great case study from Kaiser Permanente Southern California researchers. From April 2020 through February 2021, Kaiser Permanente used RPM to monitor 13,000 COVID-19 patients from their home. Only 10% needed to be admitted to the hospital. With RPM, providers can keep an eye on the patient’s oxygen level while they are at home and make necessary adjustments.

WITHmyDOC™’s RPM@Home™ kit has had this functionality even prior to COVID-19. Less severe COVID patients can be monitored daily without leaving their home using RPM@Home’s tablet and pulse oximeter. A unique advantage of WITHmyDOC’s kit is that if the patient is on oxygen, the physician’s monitoring dashboard shows how much oxygen the patient is taking, in addition to their oxygen level and the ability to change the prescribed amount of oxygen a patient is taking.

The full RPM case study is reference at The Permanente Journal here: https://www.thepermanentejournal.org/issues/2021/summer/7664-description-and-early-results-of-the-kaiser-permanente-southern-california-covid-19-home-monitoring-program.html#ref

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